Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sonic Addiction: Savage LoveCast

My favorite podcast is now officially Savage LoveCast, the audio-out-loud version of Savage Love, the sex advice column by renown sex writer Dan Savage.

Callers leave a message on the podcast voice mail, Dan selects the calls, and provides answers.

It's not just gays or lesbians seeking advice, it's a lot of hetero, bi, and otherwise oriented people who sincerely need help. It's fascinating to listen to all of these strange situations. It's a tad voyeuristic, or whatever the audio equivalent of voyeurism is, but it's more than that. It's an exercise in empathy. It's at times clinical, and there are some guest experts who are actual doctors, but most of the time, people are just confused and need a little help from a common sense sage.

I also feel that I am less of a prude and more understanding and accepting of even my own sexuality.

They Had Me Up Until Love Train

The most brilliant political theater of the DNC so far was the nomination of Obama by Hillary Clinton. OMG. What a tremendous moment. Of course, then they had to start a love train.

Why do we have to have campaign songs? I may be getting ahead of myself, but I hope the O'Jays don't have to come to the Inaugural.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Progressive Politics and Cookies

This evening I attended a fundraiser for Jill Long Thompson, the Democratic nominee for the Indiana Governor's race. I was invited because I made a small donation to her campaign. This evening she discussed her platform and the importance of economic recovery.

Also, she laid out her ideas for getting better health care. It was a fascinating event. She was very poised and assuring.

Of course, I will vote for her. She was after all my congresswoman until Mark Souder came along.

I don't know if it's the highbrow appetizers, but there really is an electrifying effect to being around someone so charismatic and powerful. Of course, it may have also been the sugar from the yummy cookies.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Auntie Mange

Seriously people, what's going on? So many of my coworkers now have dogs. They have even brought them into the office to show everyone. (It's complicated, don't make me explain.) I dogsat for my sister a month or so ago and now I'm dogsitting for some more friends this weekend.

Canines now run my life and I don't officially own any. I am uncle to my sisters' dogs and I'm an Auntie to my friends' dog. I have dogs coming out of my ears.

I really like playing with dogs, walking them, petting them, even grooming is kind of relaxing. But I don't know about owning one. I have a houseplant that by some extreme karmic joke has been able to stay alive nearly three years, in spite of my forgetfulness with the watering can. I dread forgetting to feed or water a dog. I guess I'm decent at it because this was the third or fourth time I've looked after my sister's dog, but it honestly scares the hell out of me.

Dogs in my opinion seem harder to take care of than children. At least the children eventually learn to read and take themselves to the bathroom. Hell, they even learn how to assemble a sandwich so they won't starve to death, but the best a dog can do for itself is go feral, and then it might just eat me.

But that's not what scares me the most. Anyone who lets a dog get that far obviously has too many other issues to look after a pet.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that if anyone even THINKS of putting a puppy under my Christmas tree, just make sure you have a receipt so I can return it.

New Web Site

The reskinned is now live. Check it out.

I love stock photos

So my favorite stock photo site,, has a new gallery of office life gone awry. It's so refreshing after looking at all these idiots grinning in regular stock photos.

Seriously, somedays wouldn't you love to pour your coffee onto the floor?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sharpening my Writing Skills

It's been a long summer to be sure. I've been slacking on my blog and have barely been writing. I spend so much time checking e-mails at my 5 different personal addresses and at work that I feel I've lost my spark.

Fortunately, I submitted a story to the News-Sentinel and it's scheduled to run in Friday's (8/8) Feature section or next week. It's all about Canada. So my loyal readers here probably know almost everything already. Still, it will be another great clip.

I'm heading back to work, so send me a message this weekend if you get a chance to read the story.