Wednesday, September 24, 2008

MSM in Warsaw

The JG had a story today about a sex sting in Warsaw. One Word: EEEEW

Monday, September 15, 2008

Can I please have the leg of zebra giraffe with a side of mint jelly?

The title of this post is meant to be completely humorous, though the humor is somewhat dark.

Scientists have captured photos of an Okapi, a rare mammal that's about the size of a deer, but is related to the giraffe, and has some zebra-like markings. You really can't make this up.

The sad thing is, poachers are trying to kill the creature. It will probably become extinct within a few years. I can understand why people would kill it. It seems like a fairly easy target and people are freaking starving, so why not kill a free freak like this?

Really, we need to figure out a way to end hunger in Africa so that we don't have to worry about such a unique creature being driven into oblivion. The Tasmanian Tiger, the Dodo, and soon the Okapi.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ironic Homophonic and Grammattic Disasters

I found this site today through a few links. You must all cheque it out.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Book Review for Reality Magazine

[twin posting appears on Featured Writer]

My latest work is a book review in the September issue of Reality Magazine, the local LGBT magazine.

Click here to download the PDF. Click here to visit Reality Magazine online.

Typophile and Veer pages

I've updated my member pages at Typophile and Veer. With LinkedIn, Facebook, two blogs, my own domain name, plus these latest revisions, I'm fully entrenched in the web. Look out world.

New Sonic Addiction: Russell Brand

I am over 30 now, and I find myself blissfully ignorant about pop culture. The one downside is when something fun and interesting actually comes along, like Russell Brand, I fall behind.

I am a huge sucker for British accents, probably due to a childhood watching Masterpiece Theater on PBS. Russell is frenetic, unpredictable and more hysterical than most any other comedian I've listened to.

Click here to try the podcast of his BBC Radio 2 show.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Obama on Terrorism and Palin's Word Games

Don't mock the Constitution. Don't make fun of it. Don't suggest that it's not American to abide by what the founding fathers set up. It's worked pretty well for over 200 years.

Click here to read more from the Washington Post.

Huffington Shares Her Common Sense about Palin

Arianna Huffington has a brilliant post about the real issues of this campaign.

Every second of this campaign not spent talking about the Republican Party's record, and John McCain's role in that record, is a victory for John McCain.

Her critics like to say that Palin hasn't accomplished anything. I disagree: in the space of ten days she's succeeded in distracting the entire country from the horrific Bush record -- and McCain's complicity in it. My friends, that's accomplishment we can believe in.

McCain's Million Dollar Parking Lot

Former POW says McCain is not cut out to be President

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sarah Palin's Record

Snopes has published a letter from Anne Kilkenny. She is a resident of Wasilla who knows the actual FACTS behind Palin's claims. Most of her claims are distortions, especially the claim of having more experience than Obama.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Palin Pain

Political Time again, this time, it's Sarah Palin.

This story from has got me riled and raised my level of ire such that I had to post on the old blog to get some sense of normalcy.

Apparently, she just took office on 1/1/2007. She has no national political experience and this is the first elected statewide office she has held. With McCain being 72 and in uncertain health, if he were elected and died in office, the honorable (?) Governor Palin would be president.

As much of a feminist as I am, I am less than enthused with this woman. Her record is less than comforting. I feel that this is a cheap ploy to appeal to the bigoted portion of the electorate who want to "keep the White House white." Many disenchanted Hillary voters may see this as an opportunity for a woman to get into the second highest political office in the country, but she is not anywhere near Hillary on the ideological continuum.

Obama really does stand for a change, other than that of race. Sarah Palin stands for nothing more than a Republican benchwarmer, someone who would be the mouthpiece of failed conservative politics. Few people had even heard of her until August 29.

Hopefully, few people will know her name on November 5.

Register and vote.

There's another blogger in Alaska who goes into a LOT more detail about the real Sarah Palin.

Would we have had a Stan Palin as our VP pick? No. So choosing a woman because you think her gender will get votes is insulting.

Killing Fonts

Typophile recently had a forum thread on killing your least favorite font and why.

My least favorite font of all time is Comic Sans. I know Butteredwaffles tackled this a while ago, but I try to spread the word about it as often as I can. I am part of the Facebook group to ban comic sans. I think I need to get a life and quit worrying about it so much.