Monday, May 12, 2008

Caution Wet Floor

I need to buy some more bleach.

I'm on vacation and it's time for cleaning.

Today I threw out about 30 pounds of old magazines, junk mail, and other junk. I scoured the kitchen floor and the bathtub. I'm reorganizing the dining room / office, and cleaning up my bedroom and the third bedroom. I call that the record room because it houses my turntable and record collection. There's still much to do, but I feel much better about the house now that I have at least made a dent in my clutter.

My sister just bought a house, so it's been kind of a helpful impetus for my cleaning agenda. I realized now just how much stuff I have crammed into every square inch of my 1400 square feet, plus the garage and the basement. I think I need to simplify. Keep your eyes peeled. I may be posting a garage sale soon.

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