When discussing dream homes with a friend, he said that he wanted the bottom of his pool to feature Michaelangelo's "birth of man." We all thought that sounded kind of cool, but then like a giant pink lightning bolt, it hit me: "Wait, that was in Rocky Horror Picture Show." At first no one believed me, but then I said, "I have seen Rocky Horror more times than I've been to church. I promise you, it's in that movie."
Today I finally got around to checking YouTube. Yep, I totally called it. It's such a good feeling to know I'm right, even though I sort of threw cold water on someone's dream. Sorry, bad pun.
No, baby, throw that cold water; shower 'em with it! There is nothing better than demonstrating someone else's cliche-fail when they're trying to be clever or interesting.
You know he saw that movie and was totally trying to cop it for his own awesomeness. FAIL on his part, and ANTI-FAIL for your encyclopedic pop culture knowledge.
In the words of Borat: Great success!
Oh, jeez, Austin Powers III is on. Must watch.
PS--go read my blog. Massive car fail recently, if you haven't been checking.
I am absolutely sure it was an unconscious mistake on the friend's part. I think he probably just didn't realize it had all been done.
That was pretty anti-fail of me. Yay.
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