Thursday, March 10, 2011

52 Weeks of Music - Swamp Ophelia by the Indigo Girls

This has been a very long couple of weeks, so suffice it to say I am behind on the music project.

Since I have been in a foul mood, I decided to go back to the basics of my music. That is, the Indigo Girls. Swamp Ophelia was the first encounter I had with the Indigo Girls. A friend in college had this on cassette and I freaked out. It was so much more than the crappy pop music of autumn 1995, and much more compelling to me than anything I had ever heard before. It was right when I was coming out, so this album got me through lots.

My favorite track on this album is "Language or the Kiss." It was definitely my life, or rather, the quandary I was faced with at the time.

There was a table set for six and five were there.
I stood outside and kept my eyes upon that empty chair.

I was in a family of six and I feared most that my coming out would alienate me from my family, like in the song.

Over the years, the Indigo Girls poetry spoke to me in many other ways. I moved out on my own, then moved back home with my parents. Then finally at 24, I bought my own home and finally branched out for good, no longer the stunted sapling trapped in an suburban soil, but a thriving young tree. Forgive the purple prose, but it always makes me misty talking about the Indigo Girls.

The rest of the Swamp Ophelia is full of amazing songs about love, triumph, loss, mourning, and the strength of love and friendships. I am at a loss for words to describe it better. But I hope I've piqued your curiosity enough to check it out for yourself.

To give you some more inspiration, check out the "Power of Two" video from the Indigo Girls VEVO channel on YouTube. It's a great song.

Swamp Ophelia on Wikipedia

Album link on iTunes

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