Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Nominee

On to November 4!

Thank heaven the primary is over. I have never been more excited about the election as I am right now.

I am also glad he is crediting Hillary for her tenacity and persistence. He has such an entrancing quality.


Ryno said...

Ryno's prediction from July 28, 2004 is now one step closer to coming to fruition.

My exact wording to you, Tom?

"He's [Obama] going to be the next President." ~ Me on July 28, 2004.


Yeah "entrancing", charisma, and all that... and the JFK comparisons I keep seeing in the media are okay by me, but the comparisons to Dr King are a bit unfair to Dr King.

Dr King ranks with the likes of Cicero, not modern politicians.

Tom Boyer said...

Right On Ryno. I just hope everyone gets over their hangups about him.

I still think it would also be great for Hillary to be VP. Two firsts, long overdue.

Ryno said...

Groan... Whatevah... :)

Ryno said...

I think you might see, at least ostensibly, Sen. Obama offering the VP slot to Sen. Clinton and her refusing it. They might even make a big show out of it while under the hood no offer will have been made to Clinton. I could be wrong, but it would be pretty tough to unite the party without some sort of theatrics like this.