Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Allen County Democrats Think Too Small

There was no room for me at the proverbial table.

I got to the Grand Wayne Center at 5:30 and was waiting in the drizzle/mist for 25 minutes, but I was cutoff with five people in front of me.

What irks me is that the "volunteers" for Hillary were stopping people and making them sign a clipboard before letting people into the convention center. This practice delayed me from getting in because I let other people sign in before me. They of course got in.

This may be a sign from the universe that I should go for Obama. It reminds me that we don't really need a third term for Bill. Voting for Hill is kind of like perpetuating the dynasty of the Baby Boom generation.

The GWCenter did provide an overflow room of "audio only" access. I left and went to JK O'Donnell's with a couple friends who were also excluded.

I found a video of Obama's race speech, well Obama's campaigned e-mailed it to me. I'm going to post it next. It's very good. It talks about the straw man of "reverse racism." This man is amazingly astute.

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