Greeting cards suck. I mean, seriously, what kind of sick society substitutes shallow sentiments purchased at the grocery store for genuine communication? Some people stuff it with a generic letter about how Jesus has blessed them and their kids over the past year, and I guess that's an improvement, insofar as it's actual words that they actually wrote. But think what triteness and tackiness could be eliminated from the world if people told Hallmark where to stick it!
Just to be a Scrooge:
Greeting cards suck. I mean, seriously, what kind of sick society substitutes shallow sentiments purchased at the grocery store for genuine communication? Some people stuff it with a generic letter about how Jesus has blessed them and their kids over the past year, and I guess that's an improvement, insofar as it's actual words that they actually wrote. But think what triteness and tackiness could be eliminated from the world if people told Hallmark where to stick it!
Dear Chad,
I miss you so much.
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